1:1 Coach and Playbook Expert Mentor
•Cate Bauer is one of the youngest principal agents at Compass, where she managed to sell over $50M worth of real estate in her first two years in the business.
A former student of Chirag’s, Cate has seen firsthand the benefits of coaching in her own business. Now a coach in her own right, Cate is committed to ensuring her own clients feel the same results and fulfillment in their own businesses from coaching.
By working with Cate, you can expect a data-driven approach to growing your business. Cate specializes in systems and processes which have helped her grow her own real estate business by 450% YoY. Cate has appeared on national trainings such as Pitching Compass and numerous Chirag Shah Coaching sessions sharing her data spreadsheet (which is used by over 3000 Compass Agents), her email templates, and Compass technology training.
An agent and team leader who is in the trenches with her clients every day, Cate’s coaching reflects active, real-time experience working in the industry. Whether it be systems, structures, branding, prospecting, farming or implementing work/life boundaries, she can help you master all of it.